100% Ticino - video 005 by Alessio | La 4 TicinoWebTV - la nostra televisione è la vostra televisione - dal Ticino fino al Mondo

Climbing up to Pizzo Nero ------------------- Let's say it: the climb to the summit also passes through a lot of effort. But then and in the end, after reaching the top, there's only a big smile and...a lot of satisfaction. The [#100x100Ticino Challe...

100%, ticino, video, 005, by, alessio

100% Ticino - video 005 by Alessio

Piace: 0 (0%)
Pubblicato da: Marco | Data: 18/07/2018 | Visualizzazioni: 179

Climbing up to Pizzo Nero ------------------- Let's say it: the climb to the summit also passes through a lot of effort. But then and in the end, after reaching the top, there's only a big smile and...a lot of satisfaction. The [#100x100Ticino Challenge] continues and this is video number 5, apply on https://ticino.ch/100x100

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100% Ticino
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Tag: 100% | ticino | video | 005 | by | alessio |